Seaver, Sammy,
Thanks for the tips. I've already jacked everything down to Famest Framerate, but, I'm really dead-set on this being a Mythic Issue. There is no reason that it should take 90 sec (and I've timed it!!!) to log out of the game when my comp is only 11 mo old and is WELL above min specs. I've seen some posts, made some changes, but not had much luck. Mythic has owned up to the fact that there is an issue so that gives me hope.
In the meantime, I am really enjoying the game! In WoW I made one char and blasted my way to 60. In this game I have 4 x lvl 15 chars because I'm enjoying all of them quite a bit. Good work, Mythic!
One, two, three, four, fiiiiiiiifth.