Originally Posted by guccilvr
I read your posts..and I wonder if Glenn Beck is a member here.
I cannot continue with this any longer.. the mere fact that you state 'there is the way things are and there is the way things should be" really doesn't make me want to engage in anything of this nature with you, especially when it comes down to the second in command and what the role is and the clear abuse. That's absurd.
You don't get the point, and I think that is part of the problem. If I were in Congress dealing with Chaney I would have put him in check. The Democrats did not do it, they did not understand who Chaney was, they underestimated Chaney and Bush and they let things go. And you are upset with me, gee.
-----Added 3/10/2008 at 04 : 18 : 11-----
Originally Posted by guccilvr
I don't follow any party affiliation.. and there is no way I could view her as any sort of qualified for this position.
...government of the people, for the people, by the people. Our system of government is designed to be run by regular people. Your attitude regarding "qualifications" seems to be elitists in my view.