In the UK you don't need to drive with a licence, you just need to produce it at a police station within 7 working days of it being requested. How does it work in the US?
No I don't think they made any extra effort. What extra effort do they think they made (other than taking her to court!)?
As article said, in 14 states you don't need a photo on the licence.
What is the national security threat posed by not allowing her to use a different form of ID? To me this is an issue of freedom and religious tolerance, not natuonal security. Organised terrorists would (a) just follow the rules, blend in and not draw attention to themselves as she has, and (b) be well organised and funded enough to buy false driving licences if they needed them.
Stopping a few Muslim women from keeping their dignity and forcing them to use photo ID will not stop another 9-11.
And as for 'driving is a privilege'. What makes you think that in a country that is founded on extensive individual rights, the freedom of the individual and the limiting of the state. Are you saying that she has a right to buy a gun and a right to buy a house and a right to buy pretty much damn well anything. But not a car? That is a privilege that the government must give you? My view is that we have the right to buy a car but we must prove that we can drive it safely. Once we have done that then we free to drive. If the government wants to keep tabs on us with a driving licence then okay, but it is up to them to make sure that they fit their system around my religious and human rights.
I've been 4thTimeLucky, you've been great. Goodnight and God bless!
Last edited by 4thTimeLucky; 06-08-2003 at 02:05 AM..