bleh I was watching pundits' take after the show and that Pat Buchanan guy bothers me. He of course is one of those republican men enamoured by Palin and said she won the debate! She did much better than I thought she would, but that doesn't mean she won... Far from it. It was not a landslide performance by either Biden or Palin but Biden was clearer, and more factual than Palin. Palin just seemed shallow and vague with her answers and didn't even seem to answer much of anything, let alone what was different between the current administration and a McCain/Palin ticket. I think I heard that 18% of undecided voters switched to the Obama camp and 10% of undecided voters switched to McCain after watching this debate.
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
~Anais Nin