Originally Posted by abaya
Palin did better than expected, but that's not saying much. Her folksy ("durn right!" "doggone it!") responses drove me up the wall, as did her constant re-steering the debate back to her favorite topics (oil, mavericks, those "bad guys" in Washington, etc)... she completely ignored several of the questions, especially important foreign policy questions that Biden nailed.
She also winked at the friggin' camera. I'm sorry, if you don't want people accusing you of "sexism," then don't act like a barfly. Can you imagine what the response would have been if Biden had winked at all the ladies?
I call it for Biden. Palin has yet to impress me, but then again, nothing she or McCain says will make me vote for them, anyway.
Again Abaya, I agree whole heartedly with your insigts & well written comments. Palin WAS well "practiced" for the debate but she is still totally unexperienced to lead the USA - if God Forbid, McCain dies or is unable to lead our country. And that can happen.
According to interviews in England & France, CNN showed that members in the rest of the world are shocked that Repubs even let her on that ticket! Can you imagine what would happen if she had to negotiate with the leaders in Iran, Iraq or in other countries where women are considered second class? Will she wink and flirt her way out of more War or nuclear threats?? NO WAY!
She is scarey and unable to do what our country expects (and needs now more than ever) from a
real VP!
Biden is much more VP ready...and he
actually answered questions! He didn't need to rely on "fluff & winks" and folksy jargon that made her look less intelligent IMO.