Originally Posted by tecoyah
The End of the Long Count Calendar does not signify the end of the world...it is the end of an Age. If true, this is a good thing folks.
As for the play on numbers listed in this thread...what happens when these are translated into the Mayan calendar, considering that is what you base the theory on?
It's hard to say what a LIVING culture using the Mayan Calender all the time would come up with after a 1000 years.
They'll probably have special dates in the calender, to mark important events the culture is passing through, like wars, and great inventions, and horrible crime, and all that, like any other culture.
If the 9-11 combo issue, is indeed universal, and if the Mayan people are interacting more with other cultures, it will be likely it will appear as a destruction symbol for them in the year-dates, eventually.
If, however, Mayan symbolism is in fact somehow avoiding the 9/11 combo as a sybmolic destruction (if they somehow have or "generate" another stronger combo), it might work differently for them.
But it only might.
The 9-11 combo is now, as it appears in its date-form, an accepted symbol of destruction in more than one calender. If this goes on another few thousand years, perhaps it will "become conscious" in other calenders as well, while we should also suppose, that if it is a universal symbol somehow, on the collective scale, for enough people, consciously or not, it will become more conscious, if it's the destruction symbols of other calenders, because this is exactly what will make it much more conscious.