The saddest part of the debate is that Palin did exactly what she needed to do. The winks, gosh darnits, and hockey mom references all excite the ignorant in America and will get votes based on these alone. What was talked about last night is so over the heads of a majority of Americans...all most Americans care about is if the candidate seems nice or in Palin's case, cute/enjoyable/feel good. Palin knows this, the Republican party knows this, and they set out to do it and succeeded.
Biden did well. He answered the mod's questions moreso than Palin did. The actual debate was pretty annoying though. It can be summarized as this:
Palin: Obama says this and it sucks.
Biden: He didn't really say that, he meant this: and also McCain sux.
Palin: McCain didn't mean that, he meant this: Obama on the other hand sux.
Biden: Well that is interesting but that's not what he said. He said this, and McCain still sux.
I hate how they have to defend from the other person's questions instead of taking more time with the mod's actual questions.