sprocket..no kidding, i can barely tell the diff between willravel's page and exactly what i saw on tv and from the analysts. She was trying too hard to sound folksy, look cute, and deliver SCRIPTED MEMORIZED lines about as well as your average 3rd grade actor on stage.
my favorite: "what is your Achilles heel" "my executive experience will be used effectively" or some shit like that. complete...complete disregarding the question..when a question was asked that she didn't have an answer for, she'd simply change the question to something she knew. 'i want to continue talking about taxes" Nobody had mentioned taxes.
seriously, it played out about like i expected, expectations were so low for her that this is being touted as a win by some.....msnbc put it as "a tie for palin is like a win'....
so far, al the polls i'm seeing show biden as the winner, but i'm sure it will be construed as a win for whomever someone liked before the debate.
Oh, last thing...her "You betcha's" and "bless their hearts' and the "maverick" lines...just sounded forced..like a constipated poodle.
Last edited by Paq; 10-02-2008 at 10:11 PM..