Originally Posted by ratbastid
Don't stand on principles here--if you were arrested on suspicion of a murder, wouldn't you want to provide every piece of evidence you could in your defense?
Murder? Yes, but it would absolutely have to either be forced by a warrant or entirely voluntary. If it's not voluntary (as the OP suggests), then it's wrong. You either get a warrant or have my permission. Oh, but it doesn't end there either. Let's say I'm arrested and cleared of murder because of my DNA. It stays on file forever despite the fact that I never was convicted? I can't abide that.
Originally Posted by ratbastid
Also, there's really no such thing as a DNA partial match. Fingerprints can be partial, but DNA's either a match or it's not. They could ask you if a close relative was in Florida 15 years ago, but the DNA is either yours or it's not.
Then they don't get my fingerprints either.