So what about someone who doesn't tell you they have an STD? For instance, I just got out of a relationship with someone a couple months ago. We started talking at the beginning of the year, and had sex a couple months later. STDs should have come up, but they didn't; I got tested before she came out to visit, just in case, and thought she was a great girl, we were honest and open, and were clearly moving towards a relationship - not a one-night-stand type thing. A couple weeks after we slept together for the first time, were talking on the phone - talking about different things, including past skeletons, if you will - and she said, "oh my God, I forgot, I have HPV."
That really bothered me. I forgave her, and we worked on our relationship for a while, but it definitely hurt my trust and my feelings. To the OP: at least she was honest and upfront. I think I still would have dated my ex if she had told me first; granted, HPV doesn't have the same connotation as Herpes and isn't that bad (especially for a guy). No easy answer: sure think about you first (esp after dating for only a month), but if you really dig her, great. Maybe just hold off on the sex a lot longer, that way you can find out homuch you really like her.
Hopefully not thread-jacking, but how should I approach things now? HPV supposedly clears after a few months/years, but there's no test for guys to be sure. Furthermore, condoms don't offer complete protection (I guess), so basically any time I want to sleep with a girl -- even using protection -- I feel like I should tell them. There are a couple girls I like and I told both of them and they were pretty accepting. But will I have to say, "I might have HPV" as long as forever? Unless a partner comes back clean after a few years? I wish my ex had told me so I could have made a more willing decision; again, to the OP: at least she was honest.