Taking DNA samples at arrest. Should they?
So a new bill being introduced into legislation would require anyone arrested for a felony to submit a DNA sample. Some say it's modern fingerprinting, others are concerned about how the information will be stored and managed, who will have access to the information, etc.
On one hand, I don't see a problem with it, it will help solve crimes a bit quicker, and you only get your DNA taken if you are arrested.
On the other hand, there are innocent people arrested mistakenly, and their DNA will be logged. But if they are innocent, it shouldn't matter.
I know my DNA is logged somewhere. When I was in the Army they took our DNA before we went into Iraq.
It could be the start of a big brother kind of deal, but I'm not sure the US government is organized enough to actually do that sort of thing.
Is collecting DNA samples wrong? Is there a danger no one has mentioned yet? Is it intruding on personal privacy?