Originally Posted by tisonlyi
Oh, please, let me just add, as asides, that I've just been discussing the candidates with a Republican girl from Chicago (we got into the discussion because i unthinkingly asserted that she must be voting for Obama) who, after telling me that McCain knows what is right for America (*cough*) took another toke on the joint I passed over.
The hysterical laugher she provoked caused her to leave the bar.
The almost violent inability to accept reality that is palpable next to any US-ian i've been near in the last ten years is EXACTLY the reason why no reasonable action will be taken in the face of this crisis, there'll be no end to the culture of debt and there'll be carnage in America and the rest of the world while Pax Americana dies.
Is the moral of the story that you need to get out more?
So living in a microcosm of an ideological echo-chamber, such as you describe, must lead to condescending intolerance and treating ideological outsiders poorly? I suspect that you could easily find yourself a scenario where your viewpoints would be found laughable.
Sorry about your getting mugged by such desperate souls. Where did this occur?