Do you know any lawyers that can give you some advice on your particular situation? In my experience, I would definitely say that having a lawyer is a good idea if you can afford one. It might be expensive, and you might lose the case or not receive any substantial benefit. However, you don't know the system, and this is what they get paid to do. As gucci points out, if you can get it dropped or reduced, you save on insurance big time. I know in SC, you have to a special insurance program called SR-22. I think you might lose your license for a period, and then the insurance is very expensive.
That said, driving under the influence is a bad idea. I'd like to say that I never have, never will - but there have been times. And I hate to say it, but I would venture that there may be times again. As Sam Kinnison said, if they don't want you drinking and driving, they shouldn't have parking lots at bars. Seriously, what do people rationally think is going to happen?
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style