The dumbest thing I have ever heard cross human lips.
I work at a gas station. I get my fair share of idiots there (i.e. can't figure out the pump, can't find bathroom, can't find the CANDY RACK), but this one girl just floored me. I may have heard dumber, but this stuck out because she tried to use sophisticated words without knowing how.
"That egg roll I ate did not suffice me to any avail."
Okay, let's take a look at a couple of those words, shall we?
suf-fice: v. to meet present needs or requirements.
This word has been used completely incorrectly. She was not the special need or requirement, her hunger was, so why did she leave out the integral part about hunger?
a-vail: v. to succeed.
She already made it clear that she wasn't filled up by the egg roll, why did she feel the need to put the last 3 words in? That's being redundant and just plain stupid.
That concludes my rant. I'm sure people will call me a dick because i should worry about such things. But i'm sorry, things like that just irk me. If you are in any doubt whatsoever in how to use a given word, don't use it.