you can call this a crisis because you see big names going down in flames.. but when you look at the numbers.. you don't see a crisis. You simply see the result of big firms getting bear raided by the short sell and you see the result of big firms finally having to own up to all the bad paper they wrote.
We now see the demise of what is known as the Republican Party. They can't even get their vote counts right.. however, I want to point out that during all of this so called crisis, we see the champion of this bill being none other than Bush. Why am I to believe this man when he says a bailout is what we need, when his record shows that we should stay as far away from his economic advice as possible?
The fact of the matter still remains that we will see a deeper run of a recession if a bailout does or doesn't occur, but I am willing to bet our economy will be better off in the long run as a whole unit if we do not look to the government for a bailout. A bailout does nothing to teach lessons of economic failure. It simply tells a corporation that it's ok if you fuck up, we'll just bail you out, which in the end makes the economy even weaker. So again, I say no to the bailout plan.