Originally Posted by dc_dux
The foundation of McCain's health care plan is to give more "choice" to individuals ...through $2500 individual $5000 family tax credit....but he does so by taking tax incentives away from employers. SO you are left with employers paying more and passing the cost on to employees....or having the "choice" to find you own plan....for $5000/year when the average cost is about $12,000/year.
The foundation of Obama's plan, at least in the short term, is to strengthen employer-based plans with tax`incentives to control premium costs passed on to employees and to create pools for employers currently not providing coverage to their employees....and to cover more kids through SCHIP.
Yep...decide for yourself which makes more sense.
Another way to look at the fundamental approaches to the problem.
When people have ownership of something, are in control and aware of the costs they will more actively participate in controlling those costs. So, if I shop and select my health insurance, pay for my health insurance premiums, pay deductibles and co-payments, see the bills, understand the coverage, I will be part of the overall solution in driving costs down.
On the other hand, if someone else "owns" my health care coverage (employer plans or government plans) they will manage my health care to their priorities. If I am unaware of heath care options and the real costs I have no incentive to keep the costs down. The third party may or may not do what is in my best interest.
McCain's plans has the intent of getting Americans more involved in their health care. Obama's plan is more of the same. McCain's plan will help reduce overall costs, Obama's plan is more of the same. If you really want "change" or some new ideas, perhaps the McCain plan is worth consideration.