Originally Posted by pan6467
Sounds to me you are buying the BS that the GOP sank it.
95 DEMS voted against it. 40% of the DEMS VOTED NO All the Dems needed were 12 of those 95 to pass it..... IT'S A PIECE OF SHIT ACT AND BLAMING THE GOP IS WRONG.
Kucinich voted against it for God's sake and you can't get much farther away from GOP agreement than Kucinich and you know that. So how is this not passing just the GOP's fault????????
Spin it Nancy baby spin it.
And I'm just saying that the DEMS are spinning this one worse than Rove has spun anything in a very long time.
You can't talk about Rove spinning shit when the DEMS are trying so hard to sell us that it was the GOP that put the breaks on the bailout. IT WASN'T.
I am just pointing this out.
Something is extremely foul with the whole thing when even 40% of the DEMS are voting against this bailout Pelosi is so high on.
Politics is often not very pretty.
The agreement was that the both parties would take the hit for a bad, but necessary (in some form) bill..the Democrats would bring more than 60% of their members to the table and the Republicans would bring more than 40% of their members....with both understanding that some members will not be on board. The Democrats followed through, the Republicans did not
....and not because they had a last minute change of heart on the merits of the bill or that they wanted more time....but because their feelings were hurt by Pelosi's remarks on the floor of the House.