Originally Posted by dc_dux
The fact that there are millions of new voter registrations this year, more than in any recent election, the majority of whom are attributable to Obama, would suggest it is not the same old shit.
The fact that for the first time in any recent election, a candidate (Obama) is receiving more than 50% of his contributions from small donors (less than $200) would suggest it is not the same old shit.
I understand that it might be the same old shit for you...but projecting beyond that is disingenuous.
Numbers or links? Trying to find them myself but all I got so far was Obama's voter registration drive of 1992 when he was a "community leader"....
When Clinton ran (Bill), the same was said-voter registration was booming..I'm a cynic-I think registration would continue to rise as Americans come of age more and more and PSAs, etc., urging registration are saturating media.
Going thru no less than 30 years of presidential campaigning and calling it the same old shit might be "disingenuous" (I'd have to look that up but I'm lazy), but there really is nothing new here....including the loudness of those who think "their" guy is the only guy(or woman).