Originally Posted by Dfewer
Just spent a few hours fighting a large group (60-70) of Destruction forces with my group of 50 Order. They battered down our keep gate and filled up the bottom floor. On the second floor, our healers were lined up in the back and our tanks were out front trying to keep (physically blocking) their guys from pouring up the ramp. The ranged dps guys would jump out (the witchhunters are sweet) and fire away at their healers/mages below before trying to get back up the ramp to safety. We eventually beat them back down and out of our keep. The battle then raged a couple more hours outside going back and forth between choke points and open spaces.
Man, I can't remember when I've had so much fun.
The seiges are amazing. I did my first one last night as Destruction. We kept getting owned till some guild brought about 30 people to zerg it for us. The game runs suprisingly well for having 100+ toons in one area.
The collision detection is a huge plus for this type of pvp when people can physically block advancing forces. Plus tanks have abilities that add increase armor and parrying abilities of those behind them.
I'm questioning the server populations atm. It seems a fuller server is better in this game. I play on a server that has queue times to login at peak hours and I consider this optimal play time. Most PQ's are deserted unless it's peak hours and seiges never happen at weird hours of the day. I think mythic needs to fix this.
Considering every aspect of the game is helped by a greater population (PQ's, RVR, scenarios) I don't understand why they limit it so low...