I think America has to come together whether they like it or not. Speaking as an outsider(Canadian eh) we see a side of Americans that seem conflicted by association. It happens here too but,..the people who are so ready to defend one party or the next and throw accusations at each other is so much more venomous and hardcore than in Canada. But then slam each other if the line isn't toed to there exact liking.
From my personal knowledge (limited) of US politics but also from my career in marketing(marketing specialist) I think Obama right now is the best choice for President because he represents something fresh, new and ready to move on to greener pastures. Americans too feel that. Americans are tired of the world looking down on them. They want to be on top again and proud of it.
Interestingly though, had President Reagan been the commander in chief for the last 8 years, I would have to say that McCain would be a shoe -in. And he wouldn't be defeating Barack. He would be defeating Clinton,...Hillary that is.