Originally Posted by Jozrael
I'm not asking -you- to equate the two, I'm just giving others an example they can more closely identify with. For me, the choice of abortion feels like killing someone. So introducing the Russian roulette example helps those who don't view it as murder to more closely identify with the choice I'm facing.
Using a condom will reduce the chances of conception, but not eliminate them. So using the Russian roulette example, it's making the chance of the bullet being in the chamber even more unlikely. My gf uses the pill absolutely -perfectly-, giving her the theoretical 99.9% chance of prevention from perfect use. So that's a 1/1000 chance (per year of sex!) that the bullet is in the chamber. Using a condom would make the chance much smaller...something on the order of 1/6666 chance.
However, it still doesn't eliminate the chance. So let me rephrase the question.
How small would the chance of the bullet being in the chamber (killing someone) have to be before it was acceptable for you to pull the trigger in exchange for a year of sex with your SO? Forget abortion when considering this if you don't consider it to be murder, just replace it with the Russian roulette so you can answer the question as if you were in my moral shoes.
@Manic_Skafe: For me, abortion is the killing of a child. Thus, conception will lead to its death since I will abort any child I have at this time. The act of having sex for a year = pulling the trigger for me. Thus, the act of conception = the bullet being in the chamber. Thus, abstinence is refusing to pull the trigger.
You are making a common misconception about probability.
If the pill is 99.9% reliable over a year of normal sexual activity, and condoms are 99.5% reliable over each year of normal sexual activity - the chace conception if you use both is 0.1% of 0.5% - i.e. it is 0.0005%, or 1 in 200,000. With those odds, you're more likely to kill her driving to dinner, than you are to have to face the risk of killing your foetus.