Originally Posted by dc_dux
pan...arent you doing the same thing with this observation about other TFP members: 'some of you are just so blind and wanting to believe in someone that you are ignoring reality." Thanks for informing me that I am ignoring reality...you know me so well!
Is that attacking your private life or talking about you in context outside of this thread?
But the attack on me went beyond this thread and my views on this subject and that is very low because the person who talks about my private life knows NOTHING about me.
I would be more than happy to show it to ya.... but I'm over it because that showed me they had to attack me personally because they either lack the courage to talk to me privately and get to know me and would just like to simplify their view of me..... or they have to denigrate my private life so that they can feel better therefore validating their argument thereby validating their views.
And yes, to some degree I believe in this aspect I am doing the same. I am stating my view, being told over and over the same thing about how my opinion and how I feel is "idealistic, can't happen, etc etc" which I find as excuses and I continue to grow and add more reasoning and examples to back how I have come to my opinion and I am attacked personally... I am repeatedly told I am an idealist and so on.
The mantra still continues on one side while my side continues to give examples of how past gaffes cost elections..... and yet in this election the gaffes are tremendous and they continue to fly and "it's ok" there ae excuses for them."
One thing that hurt Carter, among many, but a horrendous gaffe that cost him..... he talked about how he asked his daughter what she thought of nuclear arms {or something along those lines} it made him look weak and it hurt him
There are more from every president and presidential nominee the problem I have is that I have never in my life seen us have to choose between 2 village idiots for the highest office in the land. The man that we show the world best represents us... The man we turn to to inspire us in times of troubles.
These are times of troubles and these men have no clue how to inspire.