Originally Posted by curiousbear
damn lucky chap! It was a fantasy during my young age!!!! would be great to hear more!
Nothing much to tell. About four or five years ago, I had my first adult "crush". The guy was in mid 20s. I flirted, he asked me out. My first instinct was similar to the OP, but my daughters always told me I needed to date younger guys. So I decided to give it a try.
We went out and it would have been fun, but I said no to a second date. It turned out getting to know him made him so much less attractive. Okay, so he was an idiot and an asshole. I don't think age had anything to do with it.
Sorry to disappoint the Mrs Robinson fantasy for you cb, but that particular case should have remained a fantasy for me. It still wouldn't discourage me from dating younger guys, when and if I'm in the market for one.