Originally Posted by Martian
As a pedantic note, a small biological difference does not mean the individual does not have a choice. It may influence a choice, or it may dictate it. Without further study, it's hard to say.
I don't pretend to know why people are gay. I also don't pretend to care. Whatever turns your windmill, I always say.
It was the conclusion the neurologists took after interpreting their evidence, gay people released different levels of signal substances when confronted with hetro sexual material than straight people did. Meaning they don't have a choice in the matter, no matter how hard you try you won't be able to control what your hypothalamus does. It's lodged so deep into our more primitive brain functions that we have no conscious control over it. The only way to affect it is either psychosomatically or through drugs.
Still trying to find a backlog as to what the program was called so I can give some more viable links to their studies...