Some time ago there was a lesbian TFP member named Gilda who had done extensive research on the question of whether homosexuality was biological or psychological. She posted quite a few links to legitimate, reliable studies which presented strong evidence for, especially male homosexuality, having to do with certain conditions or changes while a fetus is in vitro. I'm not sure how much luck you'd have trying to track down her posts, since it's probably been several years since she made them, but you might take a stab at it.
Edit: Also, nothing on Conservapedia is reliable or scientifically peer reviewed by anyone you'd want to have reviewing anything. It has an agenda, and it's out to prove its agenda however it can. Read it as a parody or a view into another world, not for the information it contains.
Last edited by Frosstbyte; 09-28-2008 at 12:30 AM..