Originally Posted by pan6467
Kennedy was a 6 year congressman, who "had a mixed voting record, often diverging from President Harry S. Truman and the rest of the Democratic Party". He was not only a war hero, the son of an Ambassador, a Pulitzer Prize winning co-author of a tremendously great read, but he had vision, courage, and was extremely well spoken, he was not afraid to take stances against the party.
I'll give you war hero.
Joe Kennedy bought his ambassadorship with his wealth from bootlegging.
Profiles in Courage was a great read...have you read Audacity of Hope? It is Obama's political manifesto and explains his policy positions and how he arrived at them as a result of his life experiences.
Obama took stands against his party on several occasions..probably as many as Kennedy....examples: voted with Repubs on class action lawsuits, 05 energy bill, FISA reform
and I guess the Kennedy family mafia ties was ok for you. a double standard?
Reagan was president of the Screen Actors Guild, a very good Governor of California before he became president.
SAG really dealt with issues that affected most working Americans? more so than a community organizer for the same number of years?
Reagan's depth of knowledge on most public policy issues was nowhere near Obama's or McCain's and was probably closer to Palin's.
In 2 years what has the Democratic Congress truly done? What has it accomplished? What have hey tried to get passed for education, worker's rights and wages, healthcare. I have seen years of saber rattling over Iraq and oil {only as the prices sky rocketed}. I don't see them doing much.
Their greatest accomplishment was restoring transparency and accountability to the Executive branch....and the first ethics/earmark reform for Congress in more than 10 years.
IMO, they accomplished about as much as they could considering Senate filibusters and WH vetoes.
Workers rights? Beyond the first minimum wage bill in 10 years. How about the reauthorization of the civil rights act that is currently under consideration and includes:
-- Equal Remedies Act of 2008
-- Older Workers' Rights Restoration Act of 2008
-- Preservation of Civil Rights Protections Act of 2008
-- Settlement Encouragement and Fairness Act
-- Workers' Minimum Wage and Overtime Rights Restoration Act of 2008
Health care? How about their attempt to expand SCHIP to cover more kids of working families
Education? How about the Enhancing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Act or the Higher Education Act.
As i said...we see what we want to see.