Originally Posted by Martian
Conservapedia is hilarious. I knew there were people who thought like that out in the world somewhere, but I've never encountered one.
Among the things I've learned from Conservapedia:
Evolution was supported by Hitler and is therefore wrong.
The gays are disease-ridden and promiscuous. They can change, but they don't want to. They even have an agenda to ruin marriage for the rest of us.
Supporting gay rights is equivalent to supporting NAMBLA.
Obama must be a Muslim, because he has a Muslim name and hasn't changed it. Also, being a Muslim is apparently a bad thing.
Obama's entire presidential campaign is the result of affirmative action.
I don't see how this could not be a joke. It's too good to be true.
+1 I don't think I would know what to do if someone with these views confronted me. I'd probably run for the hills.
Originally Posted by Halx
jorgelito, you may be highlighting a semantic logjam in communication.
Liberal, socially, typically means someone who is open and free, unrestricted. It is logically uncharacteristic of this mentality to classify or convert others to its side. All this side asks for is the freedom to do what it wants.
Conservative, socially, typically means someone who is strictly conforming to a standard with boundaries. Boundaries do not work if nobody adheres to them, so this side typically seeks to enforce the same boundaries on others around them.
It's important to point out that Liberal and Conservative mean different things in different contexts, social and political. People tend to get the two contexts confused.
As far as I'm concerned, the website is a joke and I hope that anyone with a rational mind thinks the same way. I actually kind of want to meet someone like this...I think telling them about myself would cause them to have a breakdown or at the very least, they'd be as weirded out by me as I am by them. Things like this make me happy I live in a very socially liberal town.
The only real problem I have with conservapedia (other than they're complete disregard for facts or rationality) is that I know that some kids are growing up in homes with this biased environment and they probably view websites like that as fact. Those kids must grow up into some messed up adults.
I'd like to point out also, that I think that wikipedia tends to be more liberal because it's the internet age group that's logging on and adding to it the most and we seem to be more liberal.