quest1mark - all of the tough enough 2 and 3 winners got developmental contracts, in addition to a full time wrestling deal with WWE. They get sent to OVW for training in the "WWE Style". Oh yeah, Jackie was expected to make the move from OVW to WWE recently, but for some reason or another, she's still in OVW. And I'm sure Jake is doing the Indie circuit if he really wants to be a wrestler.
Mario - DANG!! Thanks for clearing up the stuff with Ahmad Johnson, KQuick, Alex Wright and The Patriot for me. More thanks for helping others with their questions on "Where Are They Now?"
holtmate - BigShmo was supposed to hold onto the backboard and stand it up next to the ring. But big ogre hands decided to drop Rey on his head, accidentally. Lets just say that VinneMac wasn't to happy.
Other News:
Lita is in OVW, getting ready for her comeback in WWE after breaking her neck during a taping of Dark Angel.
from June 1st - Billy Gunn (Woo Hoo!!) had a houseshow match, his first match in a LONG while, against OHaire. Just making sure everything is where its supposed to be before he goes back on televised matches.
Bill Demott - Returning as Hugh Morris!!... uhh... yeah. Lets just hope his angle is good this time.
Mr. Torrie Wilson, Billy Kidman, is in OVW for training before he comes back to WWE. I don't know why though. He has all the skills. Maybe some sort of story would be nice.
If you haven't noticed, I have not been around lately. I have not seen any WWE programs, and haven't even read the results/summarys yet. So if something happened, and I said something completely different.. well... Just ignore me.