Originally Posted by mikec
what site????
I found it on SlickDeals. You can also try searchalldeals.com for good buys.
Originally Posted by Deltona Couple
I have been building custom computers for over 15 years now, and have had the best of luck with every WD I have ever bought. You could do a search on the internet and probably find just as many complaints about a drive, as you do good things, for every manufacturer. Remember that it is human nature that more people will post complaints about things, but not post a comment about a good product. I am not saying EVERYONE, but if you work in the manufacturing world, you know it is true that MOST will. This being said, nobody can tell you the perfect drive, they can suggest the ones that have worked for THEM. Good luck on yours, I have a friend who LOVES his WD 500g Book.
Thanks, I love it so far!
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