Originally Posted by Willravel
I can't think of a time in my lifetime where I would have voted for someone instead of against. As a matter of fact, even looking back across American history I can only name maybe 3 (Washington, Jefferson, FDR) I would have voted for, and even they did things I strongly disagreed with. Until the day I myself run, I suspect this will simply be reality.
Chalk it up to the fact that one really cannot approach the oval office without some pandering; some concessions; some hypocrisy. Until there's a revolution, this will be the case. The job requires ambition, and ambition has baggage.
Shoot, even when I voted for Cobb in 2004, I wasn't voting for someone that really inspired me.
I voted for Nader in 2000...... I have to vote for the major candidate I fear least..... not like this year. I can say don't look at me I voted Nader.... but I threw my vote away and we ended up with Bush. Maybe that vote and others who think like I do mattered and had we voted for Gore, the world would be different. But I despised Gore and could not vote for him.... and I honestly thought he'd win anyway so my vote didn't matter.
This time I can't do that. I need to voe for the person I fear least and be able to stand up and say I need a shower and disinfected but I voted for the person I think will do less damage than the other guy.
That's not how we are supposed to vote.... I have never voted with a pessimistic view, well 2000 was in a way I guess, but not like this year. I am truly saddened that the majority believed these were the 2 best men in America to choose from.