We had a live feed here in Iceland, 1-2:30am... ktsp and I stayed up to watch it. One thing I will say here is that I disliked how McCain NEVER acknowledged Obama on stage. Hardly even gave him a glance, even when Obama was speaking directly to him. Neither candidate did a very good job of talking directly with each other the first 10 minutes or so, but after the moderator repeatedly asked them to do so, I think Obama did just that. He looked up at McCain when McCain was speaking, and he directed most of his points towards McCain. McCain, however, just looked down or at the camera/audience... he never looked at Obama, never said "Barack" or "you" to the senator himself... always talked about Obama in 3rd person, "Senator Obama says this, does that" but never directly. This annoyed me to no end. It was like McCain couldn't even tune his body language to seeing Obama on his same level, and I think that says a great deal about his attitude as well. I thought he was a horrible debater, personally. Obama was not extremely strong, but I believe he pulled out on top by some margin. I look forward to reading analyses the rest of the weekend. Must sleep now, 3am.