Originally Posted by pan6467
They have plenty of time for debates later, this crisis demands our governments full attention NOW..... not later. This is what we pay these people for, to do a job, not to pontificate and go elsewhere and ignore what they are originally elected to do.
You realize the entire Senate isn't meeting and neither of these two men are on the committees involved in hammering out the hopeful solution to this crisis, right? Injecting the presidential selection process into this process may not result in a good solution, if there is a good solution. We may have let this get to the point where our only options are bad and worse. But I fail to see how adding more politicians to the mix, especially the two major candidates for POTUS, will result in the best plan.
Originally Posted by pan6467
These men could sit down together, put politics and partisanship aside and show true love of country by working on a plan TOGETHER as the leaders we expect them to be. FUCK POLITICS, FUCK THE ELECTION...... DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR ONCE AND WORK TO BETTER THE COUNTRY NOT DIVIDE IT FURTHER. Let them get together with Bush and the Congressional leaders, work a deal and come out with a plan that neither party, nor candidate takes credit for but both sides agree that the plan is the best they could come up with for the WHOLE country, not just their side.
Ok, so screw the debates, screw the election. How far are you willing to take that plan? Are you suggesting Bush remain in office until the crisis is over? Will we know when the crisis is over?
Originally Posted by pan6467
But that won't happen. The powers that be behind the scenes won't allow it.
I agree, it all about what happens behind the scenes. It's all about who can look like they're doing what's right by the country. It's all about who can get the best sound bite. Again, having the two major party candidates in the mix isn't a good idea at all, IMHO.
Originally Posted by pan6467
BTW..... what will the election matter if our economy and this crisis blows sky high before Nov. 4th? Why not demand our politicians work together and do what is right for the country?
It's going to matter because the world goes on, life doesn't stop because of a financial crisis. Every four years the US elects a President. When it's a new President, as it will be this year, he inherits whatever problems/benefits the last President leaves.