If this were a "normal" crisis I would agree that a president should multi-task. But this is a HUGE fucking crisis that the outcome can negatively affect our nation for YEARS. These men are paid to be on the Senate floor for these problems and should do the job they have NOW.... not be concerned about their own personal ambitions and seeking other jobs.
They have plenty of time for debates later, this crisis demands our governments full attention NOW..... not later. This is what we pay these people for, to do a job, not to pontificate and go elsewhere and ignore what they are originally elected to do.
These men could sit down together, put politics and partisanship aside and show true love of country by working on a plan TOGETHER as the leaders we expect them to be. FUCK POLITICS, FUCK THE ELECTION...... DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR ONCE AND WORK TO BETTER THE COUNTRY NOT DIVIDE IT FURTHER. Let them get together with Bush and the Congressional leaders, work a deal and come out with a plan that neither party, nor candidate takes credit for but both sides agree that the plan is the best they could come up with for the WHOLE country, not just their side.
But that won't happen. The powers that be behind the scenes won't allow it.
BTW..... what will the election matter if our economy and this crisis blows sky high before Nov. 4th? Why not demand our politicians work together and do what is right for the country?
Sorry, but I can't fathom ANYONE, stating they have the country's best interests at heart, yet, claiming that a being at a debate is more important right now. Nor can I fathom, ANYONE, saying that, "the college spent a million, they need to have the debate or that money was wasted." WTF??????? That million is chump change compared to the 700 BILLION, maybe a TRILLION when all is said and done that taxpayers will have to pay out.
Sorry, saving our economy and doing their jobs is the most important task they have right now. THESE MEN WANT TO BE OUR LEADER..... THEN THEY NEED TO SHOW FUCKING LEADERSHIP.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"