I currently own a 1998 Volvo S70, non-turbo. Now without the turbo, making this car "fast" and raceable would be fairly difficult and very expensive. I would like to at least make it look nice, though. Some ideas of mine are to: 1) drop the car, make it lower; 2) Get some bigger rims, 18's if they fit, if not, 17's. 3) Get a better looking grill. The stock grills look like shit, to me. 4) MAYBE get a body kit. I don't want one of those ricey kits, I want a nice Euro kit. 5) I'm gonna get a badass clean sound system
The problem is, I dont konw where to find any of these parts or anything. I know a place that can drop the car and I know a place that can get me a good deal on audio. I'd like to know where to buy a clean looking grill. I'd also like some suggestions on the rims that would fit the car.
Oh yeah, the car is black with tinted windows.