well, the media fog machine, which i've been watching a bit on tv this evening, seems to want us to see the house reactionaries as leading this because they're thinking primarily about "rebuilding the party"--they do not think mc-cain is trustworthy, not one of them---they owe nothing to bush and do not know paulson--bush is now worse than a lame duck.
from what the talking heads are saying, during the meeting, mc-cain sat there and the house rightwing republicans did the talking.
i think this was co-ordinated, but it's a little hard to say to what end exactly. i don't see mc-cain able to do much "leading" in this context, but who knows where the theater stops and starts in this?
while all this was going on, the feds seized washington mutual outright.
and as an aside, take a look at this unrelated article, which is beyond startling, and which surfaced this afternoon as well, while the shit was hitting the fan in washington:
Israel asked US for green light to bomb nuclear sites in Iran | World news | guardian.co.uk
lots of fog.