ace....Here's another question that might come up.
How are we winning the surge when Bush clearly enunciated 11 benchmarks of success...and Iraq has only met 4 of those benchmarks?
-----Added 25/9/2008 at 05 : 21 : 39-----
Or a another follow-up:
Sen McCain...From numerous reports, PM Malaki and the Iraqi parliament support the basic concept of Sen Obama's withdrawal proposal, with a marginally longer timetable. Do you agree with Malaki or are you still insisting on no timetable even if the Iraqis demand one?
Wasnt Sen Obama correct when he said we are focusing on the wrong enemy....while Iraq is no closer to political reconciliation and we are still spending $billions/month...Afghanistan is spiraling out of control, the Taliban and al Queda (those who attacked us) are regaining strength by the day.
ace...shame we cant be the moderators