Originally Posted by cybermike
So.. Like I said, some of the songs would suck to play on guitar hero.. Turns out the Guitar hero versions of the album is better quality than the CD. You just gotta ignore those beeps and blips when you miss a note. One of my original complaints, besides the generic sound of the album was that it was fooking loud. Turns out, The CD is about 10db higher and the compression washed out the dynamic range which means turning the volume up gives a nice, unnerving ROAR. This article Analysis: Metallica's Death Magnetic Sounds Better in Guitar Hero | Listening Post from Wired.com pretty much explains it. If you own the album, do yourself a favor and download the high quality GH rips and hear the difference. You can actually turn the volume up without being blasted with distorted noise.
I d/l'd FLACs of teh GH3 versions last weekend. They are interesting. Like you said, the volume is much lower, this results in less distortion. Also, both of the GH3 versions of teh instrumental are different than the album version. The annoying thing about the GH3 versions is that there isn't a lot of consistency on the volume levels, especially with overdubs. Overall, the album needs to be remastered but I won't hold my breath.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Start with Master of Puppets and ...And Justice for All. And then work your way back, and then work your way forward. I don't like much beyond the Metallica album.
Be sure you have time when you first play Master of Puppets. It will probably stop you in your tracks. It's their masterpiece.
Though I must say, I like Justice better for certain tracks. It's just that Puppets was a huge breakthrough in their music.
I say start with Ride the Lightning. It blows away everything else they did.