Originally Posted by dc_dux
McCain's leadership and taking a stand?
Like it or not McCain has a track record of taking unpopular stands and doing things that did not appear on the surface to be in his benefit, Obama does not. Obama ads reference McCain being instep with Bush 90%, I wonder what percent of time Obama been in step with Pelosi and Reid? Or even what percent of time Obama has been in step with Bush? Certainly Obama did not do anything out of step with party machine politics in Chicago.
-----Added 25/9/2008 at 03 : 03 : 37-----
Originally Posted by ratbastid
Then there is the Costco gas line indicator. When people go out of their way to get gas at Costco, people are taking the first steps toward taking more dramatic actions on energy conservation. It is a leading indicator. Pull right up no problems, wait for one or two cars people are getting concerned, wait more than that people are going to start selling SUV's.