She takes care of me like no one else can. She is wonderful. She stands all my erratic responses too. But I cant share my properties. She can use it. She can use it even if she had left me. But I cant give ownership share. And of course it will always be me who will bear all my children's expenses. No matter where they live. The point is I own what I own, I cant give up my ownership. And I dont want to own what she earned.
My friend's daughter claims thier car is her car! She is 6 years old. I tell her "No it is your dad's car". My friend thinks it is an unnecessary argumnet. But I always tell her that it is her dad's car, and not hers. I am sure one day she is going to appreciate my honesty and reality. I have a gut feeling one day she is going to be a friend of mine. My children too wont get any property from me. They can use my car, house, and even me! But they have to make thier own. I dont see the necessity of taking something someone earned and give it to others.
If a spouse sacrificed a career/job, and raised kids, it is so obvious that during separation, she has to be supported. Both her life and child-support. That doesnt mean she can take half of what the man has. Neither can she expect the man to support to continue the same life style. That is not even ethical. So poor marry rich man and ends up rich. Even after she leaves him she has to be rich? Rather she should end up where she orginally belonged.
Only exception is when my spouse left me but met with a life event crisis like accident or cancer! I can give up the property in that case to help.