My father and grandfather talked a lot about the great depression and how they were unaware what was happening until it was well under way. I always thought that I would never be taken off guard like that and would see the next one coming before it was too late. Now I am not so sure and am not convinced that the markets are in free fall yet. I have just as great a fear of selling when I should be buying. I'll probably stand pat with diversified holdings. I hope I wont be looking back in a few years and saying "you idiot you should have sold everything".
We own our house and land outright so are not concerned with mortgage costs but property taxes are a problem. I was hoping that our evaluation would be down and taxes reduced but they just evaluated us higher instead. I suspect there is a lot of pressure for them to not reduce taxes. I tried to get them to reduce our appraisal but they said they need data from existing sales and out here in the country there is little for sale and what is has been on the market for months/years.