For the average person the first year only sucks if you aren't able to balance schoolwork, job and a social life. That's why so many people's experience improves going into second year, they're more used to the schedule and it's easier to find that balance.
Me? I was a man-whore.
No, but seriously, I absolutely love learning. That made up for the high prices and having to work several jobs. It was like being a chocoholic working at Willy Wonka's factory. Sure it was hard work, and there was always the risk of being eaten by a whangdoodle or accidentally dying in a magical industrial accident, which is stressful, but at least you're somewhere that you love and doing something that makes you happy.
Try to enjoy learning. Start a debate about something, ask a difficult question of the teacher. Engage your classes with tenacity and devotion. You'll be repaid with enjoyment.
Edit: btw ur 18 yerz old now and joined in may 07? stinker lol.