Originally Posted by Dragonknight
This statement was in the first article that Cynthetiq posted and it turns me off of to open carry.
Yeah, it irked me too but I left it alone because it's pretty obvious that anybody with extensive facial jewelry who wants to open carry is a showboating dumbass destined for the Darwin Awards. Really hard to respect someone who turns their face into a junkyard... and really hard to not target someone who turns their face into a junkyard AND has a Glock on their hip in a as-close-to-brandishing-without-doing-it manner.
But what do I know? I'm a brainwashed tool of the man.
See, I don't like open carry because it negates the surprise factor in favor of the deterrence factor... which is always significantly less due to social norms about weapons these days. People fear guns. Even "good" (stupid) people.
I disagree with your 15-people-snowball-shootout point. I've served in the military for a few minutes in the sand... had rockets, mortars, and 7.62 rounds fly at me... and the first thing I think about is taking cover and getting out of said location, not shooting back at a target that is most likely in a fortified position and / or moving out in a heartbeat.
Gun or no gun on their hip... I'd reckon that most reasonable people who hear gun shots would do the natural thing: get the hell outta Dodge.
It's one thing to draw your gun for yourself. It's a whole 'nuther to draw it for someone else.
I don't draw my civilian weapons for strangers. It's not worth my life.
Perhaps concealed carry is like a bizarre game of life-or-death tag where you try to one-up the other guy with a bigger weapon right before he tags you with his own.
Reminds me of that one Yosemite Sam vs. Bugs Bunny cartoon I saw so long ago.