Originally Posted by dc_dux
IT IS A GIVEN that it is a government responsibility.
The point is that the times are trying the "given".
As much as we don't want to hear it, some governments, local and otherwise, have begun extreme cutbacks. If it comes down to laying off cops or passing along the cost of the rape kits, hopefully the cops can keep their jobs and we can find another way to cover the cost of them.'
Instead of saying it can't happen, 'cause it just might, can't we all get together and figure out a way to pass the cost along fairly? If it was YOUR city and you had to decide whether or not to lay off some cops, how would you handle it?
I think we're trying to work towards bipartisanship here. Let's let go of the pitbull mentality and see if it's really plausible to work together towards a solution, without being blinded by the irrelevant.
I ask again, how would you handle this situation?