There is more to the story of the sports complex in Wasilla. The people wanted it, voted on it and got it. The people bear the burdon of debt. The mayor just helped it along. Many kids (and adults) will find a better life because of it. What the media has "conveniently left out" is that the sports complex is used by residents of Palmer, Willow, Houston, Big Lake, Knik, Butte, etc... basically the entire Mat-su Borough..... only the size of West Virginia.
Matanuska-Susitna Borough: Living in the Mat-Su Borough
I don't think anyone knows the true population... too many remote areas and people that don't want to advertise their presence.
Matanuska-Susitna Borough:
Is that enough people to warrant a heated seat?
Saying that the mayor left the town in debt is a half truth at best. Media spin or ?
Per Diem - Sarah used her home in Wasilla as her second home. She claimed her residence in juneau as her primary. I would believe that most governors use the governors mansion as their primary. Juneau is a more expensive area to live so I would believe that the per diem rate would be higher there. I also believe that the number of days that she spent in Wasilla was smaller.
My math says that she utilized the benefits afforded Alaskas governor to minimize the actual cost to the state. Many Alaskans believe that the capital should be moved closed to the population anyway.
Wasilla is growing rapidly. Short construction seasons, lack of roads, schools, etc will continue to be problematic for at least a few more years. When the pipeline starts and the prison is complete, watch the population.
I have not heard the local theory about the rape kits. Small rumors are around, none seem credible.
I go to Wasilla most Thursdays, I will keep my ears open.