Thanks for all the positive comments guys.
I had plenty of jamón in fact! Also did eat chocolate con churros, it was decadent.
Madrid is cool, I get to go there for work once a year so I don't have time to miss it. Plus when you live somewhere awesome like Lisbon, what's to miss?

Well if I had to miss anywhere in Spain, Barcelona I'd miss far more than Madrid.
I'm not in the pics because...I only took pics of myself and a couple where I asked strangers to do it and they are not particularly fascinating heh. Think of it this way, since I'm not in the pics it leaves room for you to envisage yourself in the places I was in.
Madrid certainly is clean in the main areas and generally too. In some areas of the city, the home owners pay the town a yearly amount to keep their buildings clean. So that explains some of it. I wish they did that here, Lisbon buildings aren't nearly as bright. They are colourful though! Which reminds me I must post a tour of Lisbon sometime...
One thing I do notice about Madrid is that all the shops, when closed, have these metal doors that get closed over the window of the store. This makes them a prime spot for graffiti artists, and not the good kind. So a lot of the Madrid back streets look nasty because of that. You don't really get that here. It's strange because some are so badly vandalized that you wonder is the store closed for the day or permanently? Strange! Some stores look quite shoddy.
The stall at the market was selling all kinds of rubber bands and just sheets of rubber...I did consider buying a couple of sheets and seeing what I could make with those! But I'll be back in February and I might go there again so we'll see...I'll be sure to show you if I do end up using the stuff