Originally Posted by Halx
Hey, this is really similar to a story I read on Literotica...
As taboo as society makes incest sound, its a huge fantasy for a lot of people. If you look on the "most popular" section on Literotica, its easily the hottest category. Honestly, I don't think people are hot for their sisters so much as they are intrigued by the different relationship dynamic and the forbidden nature of the act.
it's a fantasy because it's taboo.
people used to get wildly turned on at the sight of a girl's ankle, because it was taboo for a girl to expose it.
It's kind of interesting that people rail against puritanism, yet it is puritanism that makes what we find sexy, sexy. If everyone ran around all day buck naked, then the sight of a naked girl wouldn't be nearly as arousing to guys - -no more arousing than the sight of a clothed attractive girl is to you now.