Our relationship isn't boring to me, but I don't think it's sparkly either. We're kind of neutral. We are mushier than it is possible for any other couple on the planet to be <.<. And honestly I think I just need to be less lazy
. Because she's quite good about doing the little things that make me light up, but I don't do them with nearly the same frequency.
And I don't really care if our relationship is boring from the outside. They don't have the full picture. It's just my gf can occasionally feel like we're boring, and that prompted this thread =). Really, I'm looking for ways to motivate myself to accomplish 1,2,3 more frequently.
EDIT: @WK: Cheating won't happen, nor do I think a situation like the above is in store for us, but yes. That's exactly why I want to 'step it up'. I'm just looking for the best way to motivate myself
. In life I tend to take the path of least resistance and do what's most immediately satisfying. I've been working on this character flaw, but it's rather stubborn