I'm all for spurning tradition, pushing the limits and redefining sexuality but I don't buy this for a second. Her perspective is far from objective and the fact that they managed to break it off without an accidental pregnancy doesn't make it a-okay.
..but in between times our relationship was as easy, relaxed and affectionate as ever, with the incredible passion of each encounter quietly banked away until the next time.
I know plenty of fully developed and healthy adults who can't successfully manage a "friends with benefits" relationship. Are we really to believe that at the ages of 14 and 15 these two were more than capable of seeing through all of the difficulties and complexities that trip up adults in
normal relationships whilst simply being above all of the issues inherent in an incestuous relationship?
Just like Juno, kids aren't that smart. That's the reason why they're children. I'd be more than willing to believe or at least open up to an honest discussion on the subject but this woman is either lying or telling half of the truth.