Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
I am not being obtuse, I'm being practical. If there's one thing that life has taught me is that if you give an inch someone is going to take that to a yard. I never implied that one should be charged, in some cases it makes sense to charge someone back for it. I've stated simply WHO IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT?
But to come into a forum and then use an emotionally charged point of "RAAAAAAPE!!! she's charging for RAAAAAAPEE!" is practically trollish to illicit a response for how horrible an individual may be all because there could be an element of fiscal responsibility.
Again, my point is about FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. So far NO politicians seem to have any real handle on that, democrat or republican.
Who the hell do you think would pay for it? The police department and ultimately the taxpayer. Again, it is evidence collection. Routine police work. You don't get to cry fiscal responsibility when it comes to evidence collection. You do it because that is what is necessary to solve the crime.
Can you identify another crime that the police department charged the victim to investigate?