Sources of Orgasm
Well, Orgasm is so much associated with Sex.
But back when I was young, I use to get orgasms during my morning prayers.
During long worship sessions (associated with fasting, pure vegetarian diet, barefoot for 48 days that concludes with a pilgrim trip to a shrine in the midst of jungle) I use to get countless orgasms participating in worship. In fact these orgasms are so intense and they run through the entire body. I dont pray or worship these days. I am not spiritual now a days.
I even got an orgasm few minutes ago while watching "Show me the meaning of being lonely..." by Backstreet Boys in Youtube. It is not an orgasm from music, rather it is from the theme, emotions that are sensitive to me!
Sometimes during bowel movements I get orgasms. I understand that is due to the massage my prostate (aka male G-Spot?) gets during that moment.
Am I misunderstanding orgasm with some other feeling? Or is this normal and everyone have Orgasms from source OTHER THAN SEX?